What Kinds of Fuse Might You Use when You Use Fuse?

An overview of most every kind of fuse used in pyrotechnics and blasting. Bob will discuss the merits of each kind of fuse and it’s applications.

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Birth of the Blues

A history of the development of the color blue in fireworks will be presented, including limited formulae prior to the use of copper compounds and . . . chlorates. Barry Sturman will present this seminar live from Melbourne Australia.

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The Wonderful World of Winged Tourbillions

This seminar will cover techniques for making traditional winged tourbillions of the type that take off from the ground (not the smaller wingless type . . . used in aerial shells). The seminar will explain how they work and cover in depth the tools, techniques and formulae used for making flitter, glitter and colored tourbillions. The seminar will also weave in historic commentary from some of Kurt’s favorite nineteenth century pyrotechnic writers on the subject of tourbillions.

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Developing excellent pyrotechnic formulations and effects for use in display fireworks by thinking “outside the box”

Advice, ideas, suggestions, and techniques are discussed and compared for creating effective and entertaining content for use in professional . . . fireworks displays. This includes some do’s and dont’s and pitfalls to avoid. Topics include how to prevent boring your audience, how to make them laugh, how to surprise them, how to engage them, and techniques that make fireworks displays more than simple spectacle. Fireworks displays should not only be entertaining, but also should be stimulating and engender an appetite for genuinely good displays. They should utilize humor, generate emotions, puzzle and sometimes fool the audience, engage perhaps in social and or political commentary and be more than simply “pretty”.

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The Performance of Red Flare Pyrotechnic Compositions Modified with Gas Generating Additives

“The Performance of Red Flare Pyrotechnic Compositions Modified with Gas Generating Additives” will be given by Dominykas Juknelevicius and Per . . . Alenfelt from Lithuania and Sweden. They will present their paper recently published and discuss some of the details in the work. We will have questions and comment from Joel Baechle and Dr. Bob Winokur.

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A lot of pyros shoot fireworks and some also shoot fireworks – with their camera. Tom will show off some of his work as well as tips for getting that . . . “perfect” fireworks picture. This discussion will include camera and related equipment use, some computer processing, camera settings and setup locations. Special emphasis will be made on the ever-changing technology in the digital camera world. If there is time and interest, we will also spend some time discussion on post-processing.

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Are Fireworks Poisonous?

In this talk Bob Winokur explores the toxicity of fireworks and the chemicals used in their manufacture. The presentation first attempts to define . . . what “toxic” actually means then applies that point of view to the kinds of chemicals and quantities we use in fireworks. A variety of classic, common, suspected toxic chemicals and ingredients are explored. Both exposure to such chemicals in handling and discharge are examined. His basic conclusion is “don’t eat fireworks” but do enjoy them while preventing intimate exposure.

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Realizing a Scripted Fireworks Show with Pyrodigital

In this webinar streaming from Germany, Marcel will show us step by step how a pyromusical is created. The talk gives an overview of the different . . . technical tasks in creating a fireworks show.

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Recently Discovered U.S. Pyro History

As the years seem to be flying by faster and faster, the pyro masters of the last 50 years are becoming fewer and fewer. This is why documenting the . . . wonderful stories we so often hear are so important to cherish and protect. Gregg Smith has been blessed to spend the last 45 years of his life somehow entrenched in the world of Pyrotechnics. His experiences with many of the fireworks families have been fantastic as well as some of the strange, but true historical facts discovered along the way which he believes have not been seen. Gregg will share some of my unique finds dating back more than 100 years that have had a huge impact on his life as well as many others, even if it means “venturing into the dark side” of the fireworks industry

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Introduction to Black Powder Rockets

This introduction to BP rockets will cover the requirements for building core burning motors and some practical considerations.

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