1. If you are a member or attend one of our events, we store your name, address, birthdate, contact info, membership status, and event registration status.
  2. You can view and update your information by creating an account on our website.
  3. We do not share your information with anybody outside of the WPA.
  4. Access to your information within the WPA is restricted to those with “a need to know”.
  5. We will contact you only for WPA related business.
  6. All transmissions between your browser and our server are encrypted.
  7. Our server is hosted by Amazon Web Services, and is protected by their extensive security measures.
  8. We do not track or store information about your online activities.
  9. We use website cookies only for page navigation purposes.
  10. We do not store credit card information. It is sent directly to our credit card processor as an encrypted transmission, and we receive an approval status message in return.
  11. Our web site is scanned for vulnerabilities monthly by Trustwave to verify compliance with credit card security requirements.
  12. Our website includes links to other pyro-related sites. We are not responsible for the content or privacy policies of these sites.