One Island – 72 Fireworks Factories

Tent 1 | Seminar

Friday, 02/16/2024, 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM

Presented by: Mark Devon, Mitch Piatt, Kevin Mather

This presentation will begin with international man of mystery and wanna be Maltese shell builder Mark Devon doing a slide show travelog style about his first time visit to the island last April for the 2023 international fireworks symposium and visit to the factory in Gudja arranged by his low life Austria fireworks BFFs he met at the host hotel bar.

Followed by Mitch Piatt who has been to the island 10 times, knows several of the big cheeses in the Maltese fireworks lasagna. Between him and our outgoing club president probably is the repository for 99% of what is known about Maltese fireworks in the United States.

Additional Session Information:

  • Beginner Friendly: Yes
  • PPE Required: Not Applicable
  • Age 18+: Not Applicable
  • PIT Crew: Not Applicable

About Presenters

Mark Devon

Mark Devon

Mark Devon graduated from University of Michigan BSEE ’78 and MSEE ’80. He has worked as a HW/RF engineer at many of the Silicon Valley companies during this time such as Intel, Apple, Microsoft, Broadcom as well as various startups and consulting jobs. He began with wired data such as Ethernet and token ring moving on to wireless devices following the popularization of frequency hoppers in the 90s and then Wifi in the 2000s. One start up in particular, Silverspring Networks, shipped 25 million devices (the dreaded PG&E smartmeter) with his design in North America and Australia using the 900MHz frequency hopper. He has 10 patents (he thinks).

Pyrotechnically, Mr Devon joined the PGI in 1991 and the WPA in 1992. He began shooting shows with San Diego fireworks in the Bay Area and went on doing shows with Pyro Spectaculars for the next 25 years including SF Giants, Oakland A’s, SJ Giants and various birthday parties and weddings. Due to some wine tasting episodes gone wrong at some of the early WPA he became the poet laureate of the WPA and threatens to publish more if you won’t buy his firing system.

Mitch Piatt

Mitch Piatt

In the early 1990 Mitch first found out individuals could make their own fireworks when looking for red arsenic for a rocket tracer formula. Absolutely amazed at the prospect, he joined the PGI that same year and attended his first convention in Auburn-Weedsport, NY. The following year he set out to get a group of hard-working individuals together to form the Florida Pyrotechnic Arts Guild. When the club was incorporated in 1992, he served as its first President and has sat on the board multiple times since. For the past 32 years, he has built fireworks of all types including fountains, rockets, large ball and multi-break canister shells, and even a 75-foot tall castillo. He’s visited Tultepec, Mexico on four occasions and Malta, Europe on seven. Learning on every trip he’s agreed to come and share some of what he’s learned at this year’s Western Winter Blast.

Kevin Mather

Kevin Mather

Kevin Mather (aka “Moonbeam”) has been mixing chemicals and playing with fire since he was given a chemistry set at age 8. When asked about how he got started in pyro, he quickly answers that his mother is primarily to blame. Growing up in Colorado, fireworks were a common part of family celebrations and were actively encouraged by his mother. Kevin has been quoted saying, “Birthdays, Christmas, Chanukah, the summer solstice, and most days of the week were all celebrated with fireworks in my family.” Kevin is fascinated by Italian shell construction and attributes this to his love of “cut and paste” in kindergarten.