Mitch Piatt

In the early 1990 Mitch first found out individuals could make their own fireworks when looking for red arsenic for a rocket tracer formula. Absolutely amazed at the prospect, he joined the PGI that same year and attended his first convention in Auburn-Weedsport, NY. The following year he set out to get a group of hard-working individuals together to form the Florida Pyrotechnic Arts Guild. When the club was incorporated in 1992, he served as its first President and has sat on the board multiple times since. For the past 32 years, he has built fireworks of all types including fountains, rockets, large ball and multi-break canister shells, and even a 75-foot tall castillo. He’s visited Tultepec, Mexico on four occasions and Malta, Europe on seven. Learning on every trip he’s agreed to come and share some of what he’s learned at this year’s Western Winter Blast.