Fundamentals of Hydraulic Presses

Tent 3 | Seminar

Sunday, 02/18/2024, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Presented by: Ben Smith

An overview of hydraulic presses for pyrotechnics. This seminar will cover the basic operation, safety concerns, and applications as it pertains to making pyrotechnic devices.

Additional Session Information:

  • Beginner Friendly: Yes
  • PPE Required: Not Applicable
  • Age 18+: Yes
  • PIT Crew: Not Applicable

About Presenters

Ben Smith

Ben Smith

Ben started his pyro career at an early age. As a boy, he saved his pennies throughout the year just to be able to visit the fireworks stands during that one great week in July. While in elementary school, he was exposed to the world of rocketry and began constructing sugar and BP rockets. This led to the experimentation and construction of other pyro devices. Ben currently owns and operates FireSmith Pyrotechnic Tooling. Through this enterprise, he has designed and currently manufactures over 150 different tools and machines used to construct a wide variety of pyro devices.