Tingles & Goosebumps: Resonance in Response to Pyrotechnic Arts

Tent 1 | Seminar

Sunday, 02/18/2024, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM

Presented by: Collin van Uchelen

Pyrotechnic arts can have an impact that we feel both in our bodies and in our emotions. At times, we are thrilled by awesome brilliance and shocking intensity in a display. At other times, we feel tingles and goosebumps in moments that touch us deeply. “Resonance” is the word I use to describe this experience. In this interactive seminar, we will explore what ingredients help create this tingling energy in response to fireworks and pyro-musical displays.

Additional Session Information:

  • Beginner Friendly: Yes
  • PPE Required: Not Applicable
  • Age 18+: Not Applicable
  • PIT Crew: Not Applicable

About Presenters

Collin van Uchelen

Collin van Uchelen

Collin van Uchelen, Ph.D., is a Community Psychologist, Conceptual Artist, and Pyrotechnician based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Collin’s appreciation for fireworks is informed by his own experience of sight-loss from a degenerative blinding eye disease. His work in the pyrotechnical arts explores techniques for translating the light of fireworks into non-visual forms, such as descriptive words, sounds, and textures. Currently, he is choreographing pyro-musical displays from his unique position as a blind pyrotechnical designer.