Fire Extinguishers – Various Types and How to Use Them

Member Bleachers | Seminar

Friday, 02/16/2024, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Presented by: Antonio Restivo

Fire Safety is EVERYONES responsibility and as professionals in the business we should know what to do in case of an emergency. This class includes a fun tutorial of many different types of fire extinguishers and the uses and types of fire, to actually starting a small fire where each student has to perform PASS (Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep) and put it out. Basic skills learned in this fire safety class will stay with you the rest of your life.

Additional Session Information:

  • Beginner Friendly: Yes
  • PPE Required: Yes
  • Age 18+: Not Applicable
  • PIT Crew: Not Applicable

About Presenters

Antonio Restivo

Antonio Restivo

Antonio Restivo’s career with fire started at the late age of 8 when he set his best friends backyard on fire and burned down 6 acres of property. Realizing then, it had to become a career or he would just end up in jail. With his Italian/Sicilian background, it could have gone either way! In the late 90’s he learned to spin Poi and traveled around the world spinning and teaching classes.

His safety classes developed from using Duvatyne or a wet towel, to the different types of fire extinguishers. After being in Las Vegas and working on some of the biggest pyro shows in the world, Antonio started to put a lot more focus into safety and what that means everyday. He has been a senior fire safety instructor for companies like Cirque du Soleil, Celestia, MGM and even teaching classes for Clark County Fire (mainly teaching inspectors what to look for with fire performances).