CASFM Licensing Procedures and Current Topics

Tent 1 | Seminar

Friday, 02/16/2024, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Presented by: Caleb Phillips, Vijay Mepani, Margo Lund

This course will be taught by representatives from the California Office of the State Fire Marshal. Topics include Regulations Update, an overview of the licensing system and a Q&A. This class is great opportunity for those interested in updates to Title 19 and those who are considering becoming licensed or upgrading their license.

Additional Session Information:

  • Beginner Friendly: Yes
  • PPE Required: Not Applicable
  • Age 18+: Yes
  • PIT Crew: Not Applicable

About Presenters

Caleb Phillips

Caleb Phillips

Caleb Phillips has been with CAL FIRE – Office of the State Fire Marshal for 3 and a half years. He has served as the Fireworks program coordinator for a little over two years. Prior to working for CAL FIRE, he was a chemical engineer at an environmental regulatory agency.

Vijay Mepani

Vijay Mepani

Vijay Mepani has been with CAL FIRE – Office of the State Fire Marshal for 8 years. For the past couple of years, he served as the Fireworks Program Coordinator in the Fire Engineering and Investigations Division. Recently he accepted the Motion Picture & Entertainment Safety Program Coordinator position.

Margo Lund

Margo Lund

Margo Lund has been working with Pyro Spectaculars since June of 1999 and officially hired in November of 2005. She first began working with Dorris Hennings in the Shipping department, then moved up to Accounting. Now she does her favorite job which is working with large number of Pyrotechnic Operators, assigning shows and taking care of the many details related to putting on fireworks displays of a large scale. Margo is the one to call in the office in Rialto, CA when it’s time to get things done!